Monday, March 26, 2007

Summer Orphan Hosting Program

Those of you who have been keeping up with our blog know that Gene and I met Edgars thru an Orphan Hosting Program back in December of 2005. This is a wonderful way to change the life of your family and of a child. Many times in God's word he tells us to Defend the fatherless. Psalm 82:3-4 says "Vindicate the weak and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them out of the hand of the wicked."
Hosting a child does not mean you have to adopt them. We know that God does not call everyone to adopt. Simple Obedience has events where families interested in adoption can come and meet the host children. You could be the tool that gets the child to their forever family. Some of the kids aren't available for adoption at all. Gene and I can tell you first hand that even if you never adopt the child, the few weeks they spend in your life will change them forever. Especially if you keep in touch with them after they return. Gene and I have talked with Edgar at least once a week for the past year and a half. His foster mom says that our relationship with him has changed him for the better. That is not to say anything about us, but the change that God did in his life when he came here and discovered unconditional love that comes only from God.
Some ways you can help if hosting is not for you:
*PRAY! If you would like to be on the Simple Obedience Prayer Team email me at and I will add you to the prayer emails.
*Support financially a family who is hosting
*Spread the word - Tell others about the program

If you are interested in hosting you can check out the Simple Obedience website at or email Jennifer Peters at

This program is not limited to Metro Atlanta. If you live in another area and are interested, please contact Jennifer and she can answer your questions.

To view the blogs of other families who have hosted see the links on the right side of my page for Rob and Kathleen's blog and the Murphy Family blog.

Check them out! Email me if you have questions!

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